Are all cargo tank atmospheres at positive pressure with an oxygen content of8% or less by volume? 所有液货舱大气是否维持正压,且其含氧量以体积计低于8%?
It produces an alcohol content in the wort of about 4.6% by volume, which would be 9.2 proof. 其结果是麦芽汁内以体积计的酒精含量达到大约4.6%。即9.2标准酒精度。
The error sources of carbon content measurement by using burning gas volume method is analysed, and the uncertainty is evaluated. 分析了燃烧气体容量法测定碳量的误差来源,对测定过程中的测量不确定度进行评定。
HPLC coupled with photo diode array detector had been successfully used to determine the content of astragaloside in health food by applying Waters Nova-Pak C18 column with a mobile phase of acetonitrile-water ( volume ratio being 1:2). UV detection was performed at 227 nm. 以WatersNova-PakC(18)柱为色谱柱,乙腈-水(体积比为1:2)为流动相,Waters-2996二极管阵列检测器为检测器,对保健食品中的黄芪甲甙进行高效液相色谱分析。
The appraisal index for waste residue brick and high content fly ash fired brick is nonstandard today, sometimes percentage by volume or mass fraction is used, and sometimes the both are used. 目前,对于废渣砖和高掺量粉煤灰烧结砖掺量比的评价指标,既有体积百分比,又有质量百分比,二者同时应用。
Measurement of CO_2 Content in Metallurgical Lime by Combustion/ Gas Volume Method 燃烧&气体容量法测定冶金石灰中的二氧化碳
Uncertainty Evaluation of Carbon Content Measurement by Using Burning Gas Volume Method 燃烧气体容量法测定碳量的不确定度评定
The characteristics of mesophase pitch were able to correlate with the degree of condensed structure and alkyl content of the mesophase pitch. The molecule weight distribution and structure were improved by co-carbonization during different stage of carbonization, leading to increasing molecule volume and irregular structure of molecule. 中间相的性质与中间相分子的缩合程度和烷基结构有关,共炭化过程中,WPS能够在不同的炭化阶段调节体系的分子量分布和结构,引起分子体积的增大和结构的不规则性。
When the SiO2 content is constant, the density, hardness and bending strength of the composite are increased by milled reactants or taken insulation measures during the reaction. And the porosity decreased, the volume change is inhibited as well. 当SiO2含量不变时,对反应物原料进行球磨以及反应过程采取一定的保温措施均可以提高该复相陶瓷的密度、硬度和抗弯强度,降低其气孔率,抑制其体积变化率。
Followed the content of total flavonoids in the crude extract and purification was determine by UV spectrophotometry. Finally, to study the total flavonoids toxicology. Total flavonoids from Fructus Canarii intragastrically administered mice in experimental medicine group, with the largest volume permitted and the thickest concentration. 其次采用紫外-可见分光光度法对粗提取物和纯化后的青果总黄酮进行含量测定。